Carbs. Proteins. Healthy fats. Whatever.
You just want your kids to eat something besides cereal, crackers, or noodles.
You never thought it would be this hard to get kids to eat a variety of foods. And you never realized how much what THEY want to eat ends up affecting what YOU eat.
Maybe you're not the strictest about healthy foods, but you do like to eat vegetables! At least sometimes! And now that you have kids.... the vegetable intake has gone down. Way down.
This isn't the way it's supposed to be!!!
The Picky Kids into Healthy Eaters Challenge is a 7-day e-course delivered to your inbox and includes:
Not currently available. Please find some healthy eating fundamentals for kids - No purchase necessary! Cut and past this link to find a variety of support tools and links to my books: |
You truly can change the way your children eat. You can change the way your whole family eats. The dream of everyone sitting down to a healthful family meal can be yours.
I'm going to be honest. It might not always be easy to make the transition. Your kids can definitely do it, but there may be a few weeks while they scream and cry about how you are starving them. You have to take this beast by the horns and start making the changes anyway.
It really is YOU who decides what they eat in your home. And you can definitely do it, too!
Once you are committed to change, your home will be filled with healthy, nourishing options for meals and snacks. Everyone will eat plenty. And you will all be more relaxed and enjoy meal times more.
It all starts with your decision to make your kitchen a healthy kitchen. From there, you SIGN UP for the challenge that lays the foundation of your kitchen rules.
Each family is unique, and the exact way in which you implement these tips will be up to you to decide. But these tips are building blocks to re-direct your family meals to healthy ones, while taking into consideration the preferences of your family members.
The Picky Kids into Healthy Eaters Challenge is a 7-day e-course delivered to your inbox and includes:
Not currently available. Please find some healthy eating fundamentals for kids - No purchase necessary! Cut and past this link to find a variety of support tools and links to my books: |
And there were times when I struggled with how to maintain a healthy and happy kitchen. I WASN'T eating as many vegetables as I wanted to be! Because I was too frustrated by those vegetables not getting eaten by others.
But all that is in the past now. I do not force my kids to eat anything, and I don't encourage my clients to use "force," either. It is our job as parents to prepare healthful, tasty foods. It is the kids' job to decide if they will eat it.
And guess what. Woven throughout the tips is the message that you don't need to sweat it if they don't eat it. It's simple. But it isn't always easy.
The less our emotions are tied up in our kids' actions, the better. If they don't eat it, you can throw it away, or you can save it for a snack later. It's up to you.
This approach really works. Follow the tips, and feel good about what you are doing. Your kids will fall into line quickly!
(Oh, and don't be a short order cook. Following the tips won't work if you turn around and make them a box of macaroni and cheese when they haven't eaten the real meal.)
If you follow the tips in the challenge, really follow them, without giving up, you will see results. Your kids won't starve themselves (not even if they say they are). Your kids will slowly but surely start eating more and more "outside the box," eventually eating a wide variety of flavors and textures. You will be amazed!!!
And the best part? Not only will they be eating better, but YOU will be, too! And more of what YOU like! Your family kitchen will have so much more harmony!
The challenge includes:
- Seven days worth of inspiration!
- Access to the HealthyFamilyHarmony Facebook Group for posting pictures and getting inspired by others!
- All Challenge questions posted to the HealthyFamilyHarmony Facebook Group answered within 24 hours!
- THREE downloadable support documents, valued at $49 each, including:
- The Picky Kids into Healthy Eaters Planning Guide
- Personalized Family Food Rules to End Complaining
- How to Keep Your Calm When You've Tried Everything Tip List
- Plus a free BONUS VIDEO (another $49 Value!)
- A fifteen minute support call to be used during the program (value $49)
- A 15 minute laser coaching session follow up to be used within 30 days of completing the program (value $49)
That is $295 of value, not to mention the ongoing support available via email and Facebook, yours free for committing to this program today!
These emails come over the course of the first week to help you stick to this important change for more healthy family harmony!
You will also receive ongoing support to keep you chock full of ideas and inspiration! From seasonal fruits and vegetables to making an exercise a priority to recipes and holiday tips, this ongoing resource will help you make your kitchen changes more permanent.
The Picky Kids into Healthy Eaters Challenge is a 7-day e-course delivered to your inbox and includes:
Not currently available. Please find some healthy eating fundamentals for kids - No purchase necessary! Cut and past this link to find a variety of support tools and links to my books: |
There are no food fads in what I recommend. I want to help your family eat wholesome, healthful meals based on real ingredients that your family LOVES to eat.
As a mom of two bedeviling young boys, I also bring an understanding of doing what works without wasting time on the non-essentials. I know it takes a lot of time and effort to raise small citizens, and my health coaching approach is designed to honor that and support you making healthy choices, while you raise your little citizens. We are both very busy - I get it!!!!
SIGN UP TODAY, and commit yourself to making changes in the kitchen in favor of more healthy family harmony. Your little citizens will thank you... some day!
Send me a note if you have any questions!