Alegra Loewenstein, Health Coach (owner of the website and is committed to protecting your privacy including appropriate protection and management of any personally identifiable information.
I hate spam and NEVER sell or trade your email or personal information!
I follow the following privacy practices:
I hate spam and NEVER sell or trade your email or personal information!
I follow the following privacy practices:
- I do not house or collect personal information without the knowledge of my customers.
- I never sell or trade information with third parties any customer identifiable information derived from customer interaction, including customer contact information.
- I never share identifiable personal health information with anyone.
- I safeguard the security of all collected data with the most current physical and electronic procedures. I store all data on a secure server with redundant back-up so that your data is both secure and retrievable in the event of an outage.
- I also utilize third party entities to collect personal information, including but not limited to
- Contact made with me via this website, email, calendar, scheduler, telephone, or video conferencing may be copied, saved, or recorded for future use. Any reference to contact we have exchanged will be done so with only first name and last initial or first name and city.
- Should you have further questions about the privacy policy or security of this website, please email [email protected].