I absolutely love drinking tea. It is such a wonderful ritual that makes me happy and keeps me grounded.
One of my favorite kinds of tea is chai, or as it's known in India, masala chai. Chai actually just means tea, and if you order chai, you'll get plain black tea. But order masala chai and you get the delicious and warming spiced brew that I'm in love with! It's a radical act to skip the take out paper cups and make your own drinks these days. Doing so is one step towards reclaiming what you put in your body, therefore reclaiming your body, and also reclaiming your HEALTH! Follow along as I make it here! So easy and delicious! Get more recipes for free and find the recipe in a beautiful paperback as well! Just click the image below!
Is it paleo? Is it low carb? Is it disgusting?
NO! It's the super delicious peanut butter banana chocolate chip marshmallow souffle muffins!!!! Soooooo good! I almost burned my mouth because I couldn't wait! "Make this recipe while you watch!" I didn't prep half of it before hand, I pull that shiz out while you watch! You can, too! INGREDIENTS peanut butter eggs ripe bananas baking soda vanilla optional: honey or sweetener (or Add Ins below) Put all that in a blender and make it look like a smoothie. Then mix in the Add Ins with a spoon: chocolate chips or mini marshmallows or nuts or maybe dried fruit *DO THIS BEFORE YOU POUR INTO MUFFIN TINS IF YOU WANT IT TO BE FASTER* Or do it the way I do in the video if you want the exact same number in each muffin! Put it in lined/oiled (I like to do both) muffin tins, bake at 400F 10-15 minutes until it puffs up and cracks on top or gets brown all over. Want more awesome, easy recipes? Grab Kitchen Magic!!! Little things add up, and it's our job to pay attention to what we are consuming. Someone shared this with me recently…
“I asked my little drive through coffee hut today how much sugar was in my daily morning chai tea latte… 30 grams! I love my chai tea, but sheesh... 30 grams 5 days a week is bad bad bad...” I also love chai but NEVER order in a shop anymore for this reason. In fact, now that I have a healthy relationship with sugar, I can’t even drink a whole cup of something like that. It’s TOO sweet to me! Now, I make it at home. Here is the traditional version and short cut version I use. TRADITIONAL Make your own chai from loose leaf tea in big batches and pour into single serve mason jars and heat up in the morning. It's not worth it to make one cup at a time because it makes a mess. I usually make 8-12 cups at once and drink it all week. It's so good I have a hard time just drinking one cup per day J Making chai from loose leaf tea can be time consuming, and honestly if you follow the traditional preparation you HAVE to add sugar - it's bitter as fuck because they brew it STRONG. When I make it at home I add ONLY enough sugar to make it taste good, but not actually taste sweet. Which is probably a quarter what most prepared chais have. Here is the ratio: 2 tablespoons per 1 cup water, bring to boil. Add 1 cup milk, bring to boil, turn off. Add sugar or honey to taste, I try to do about 1/2 tablespoon ( = about 6 grams), but sometimes if I brew it too long it needs more. Again, make a big batch. It's more of a mess than it seems. Also, find a loose leaf chai you like, which can be tricky, look for places you can try a small amount in case you don't like it (health food stores may have it in bulk so you can get small portions). Chais vary a lot in flavor. I like Rishi brand but it's pricey and I have to make a special trip to get it, and also my local Sprouts has a loose leaf chai in bulk that I like, and it is very affordable. QUICK VERSION And here is my shortcut recipe when I'm lazy. TAZO Chai Tea. Boil 1/2 to 2/3 of a cup of water, add TWO tea bags. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Remove tea bags. Top off with milk remainder of 1 cup (experiment with proportion to find your taste preference). Heat again (this is important, it blends the flavors of the milk and tea), but don't boil (because it will make a mess in your microwave). And of course… let me know how it goes if you try it!!!! Happy Easter! I love to collect fun little treats for the boys' easter baskets, some wind up animals, pinwheels, always books (yes we are nerds), and a few little treats. Enough for ONE day. We also like to have brunch either on our own, or with friends or family. I love to make Quiche. It is easy, I always have the ingredients, and you can throw anything in. Buy a pie crust. It's true they are simple to make, but it's much faster to buy one, and you and I are both busy. Just make sure it doesn't have a bunch of weird crap in it. I like to keep Trader Joe's Pie Crusts on hand for quiche or pot pie. (Oh and when I DO make a crust, I double the recipe and freeze one of my own!!!!) Filling
Double the recipe and you will have breakfast or lunch for the week! Do you do meal planning? Have you tried but found it overwhelming? |
May 2024