Grab your sneakers, take a few deep breaths, and join me for an adventure in Southern California.
What is the role between the environment and your health? It's all connected, and I want to take you for a deep dive into your earth body and how to care for it. Get a little sneak peak into basic environmental urban planning concepts AND how this all ties into our own healthy lives. Experience the Southern California 2019 super bloom through your ears, and why this is relevant to us and our health. Nature is awesome and it can heal us, and by connecting we can be inspired to move our bodies and take care of ourselves. This spring time focused episode will give you ideas on how to connect with the energy of the spring and how the healthy pillar of flowers can bring your health and well-being.
Want to learn more about my pillars of health? Consider joining my Wheel of the Year program, Small Steps, Big Magic, Crafting a life that sparkles!
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The truth is I'm always excited when I make these podcasts. I know that talking about "structure" probably sounds really boring, but it's actually so interesting to break it down and actually understand what it's doing in our lives - whether we look at it or not!
I'm not the kind of person who wants any more commitment in my life... between getting married and then having kids, my commitment allotment is ALL used up. I can't even pick a meal plan to commit to!! LOL If you want to understand the basic premise behind:
Then listen up to this episode! Because there are some basic rules you need to understand as to how and why these work (or don't work). All structure needs to be found in balance with flexibility. This is the secret to success! So grad your headphones, slip on your tennis shoes and join me in my magical place for a stroll in the woods, to learn and open up and have fun together!!
May 2024