Whether you binge on sugar or you "Just" chronically overeat it... sugar "addiction" is simply an extreme version of a habit.
And you can look at that habit and say "I don't have a problem" and keep on doing what you are doing, and that might be fine for you. For many people it is. Or you can look at that habit and say "I QUIT." and try to give it up forever. Unfortunately "abstaining" doesn't work for most people when it comes to sugar. On all this speak from personal experience. I had many years in my early 20s when I both chronically overate sugar AND binged on it AND denied having a problem AND tried to abstain!!!!!! Guess what. NONE of that was okay for me. I was gaining weight (not that much, I was in my 20s, but enough that I wasn't feeling good in my body). I also developed chronic lung and throat problems that I denied left and right and anything to do with sugar! And yet it was the gentle but constant urging of a holistic health care provider that I was seeing that made me realize that I DID have a problem, and that sugar was CAUSING problems, too! But I knew "abstinence" didn't work. And so I began the long journey of discovering what DID work. The good news is that your journey doesn't have to be as long. I've compressed that journey into a short program to give up ALL guilt and lay a solid foundation to turn your sugar "problem" into a normal, everyday relationship that allows you to enjoy celebrations without ever binging again. Learn my 5 secrets to overcoming emotional eating here!
I love sugar. I really do. I always have. In fact, I struggled with a sugar "addiction" in my early twenties. I turned to sugar every time I was bored... lonely... stressed... or otherwise not totally engaged and absorbed in something Iw as enjoying. This habit quickly led to health problems. At the time, I was continually diagnosed with strep throat... even though the slab tests came back negative for strep EVERY TIME. How's that for medical care? Don't get me wrong, modern medicine can be an amazing thing. But too often the SYSTEM is broken. As it clearly was in this case. So I declined the antibiotics after the first time, since it obviously wasn't helping. And I turned to an M.D. who focused on hoslitic healing. And he gave me some great herbal remedies for my throat infections... and yet he could not help me PREVENT them either. After bouncing around a variety of hippie remedies, I ended up finding an acupuncturist that gave me the NUTRITION advice my body needed. "You're eating too much sugar." Because she was so much more to me than just someone poking needles in my meridians. She took a holistic approach to my health and really saw through the symptoms to find the cause. And that is what I do now with my health coaching clients. A young woman I recently worked with was finding it difficult to lose weight, despite a regular exercise routine. After digging into her lifestyle, we came to realize that STRESS was the cause of her problem. She was eating at work in a chaotic environment and reacting to that by overeating... without even realizing it. Because it's not always easy to see our OWN hurdles. That is part of my LOVE EVERY BITE FORMULA, which is the second phase of my signature coaching program, LOVE EVERY BITE. The love every bite formula is an opportunity to tune into your body's messages, with my help and guidance, and figure out what it is saying. Because if you feel bad, tired, bloated, or worse... your body is talking to you! And it might not be that you ate too much gluten It might be that you have a stress, a worry, a habit, or a pattern that is really at the root of things. Want to get some guidance? Learn my 5 secrets to overcoming emotional eating by clicking here! I’ve had two bad days in a row. I dropped from a place of feeling fantastic, focused, and energetic, and suddenly I was confused, crabby, and sullen.
What the heck was going on? Well, first, I was about to get my period. I just felt crappy. Alright, I can acknowledge that. I took some ibuprofen to help with that. Doesn’t make it go away, but helps. But there was something else. I had hit a business next step that was TOTALLY FREAKING ME OUT. I know for my work I need to get technical. Ugh. I need to deal with pixels, funnels, webinars, automation, and probably learn at least two new tools. I do not thrive on learning new tools. Some people do. I don’t. It always stresses me out. So to be facing this new territory was a MAJOR point of stress for me. Not was… IS! I still need to take care of all these items. I took that awareness of my stress, and I wrote down on my to do list “Make a to do list for funnel.” Then I stared at it. I SERIOUSLY wanted to write the funnel to dos. But I knew I couldn’t do it at 10 o’clock at night. I had to shut my notebook and know that I’d take care of it the next day. And I tell you, I really wanted to eat sugar as I went through this process. I wanted to AVOID facing the problem by eating sugar. I wanted to DISTRACT myself from the problem by eating sugar. I wanted to FEEL BETTER than I did when I was facing the problem. But I didn’t really do it because I was totally AWARE of it. That is because of the system I’ve gone through, the basis of my program, Love Every Bite, created from my own experience and my interactions with clients. I did eat some dried cherries. It was just enough to give me that sweet experience, and with awareness I could actually talk to myself “Alegra, you are stressed. You will actually feel bad if you eat a bar of chocolate. What you really need to do is go to bed and get more information about this source of stress tomorrow.” And if YOU want that awareness and ability to apply your own self-control in a rational, not-at-all-stressful way, my program is for you. Are you unsure if a program like this will actually help you? Book a complimentary clarity call. These calls are designed to help you work through your situation and get CLARITY on the obstacles. Then, if I know I can help you, we can talk further about what that might look like. Alegra.acuityscheduling.com I just want to clarify something a lot of people have been asking me lately: "So, do you ever eat sugar?" Oh my heavens, YES! I actually eat sugar almost every day. Refined sugar. Processed sugar. Treats. Chocolate, cookies, cake, candy, whatever I feel like. I actually LOVE sugar. And that is the whole reason why trying to "quit" sugar simply never worked for me. Instead, "quitting" sugar just sent me down a path of guilt, self punishment, self loathing, and, of course, MORE sugar! It was a toxic cycle that I"m super grateful I learned to stop! And that is EXACTLY what my program is designed to do: help YOU stop the cycle of trying to "quit" sugar, feeling bad about "failing", and ending up eating MORE. I GET how overwhelming it can feel to think you can actually eat sugar and not binge on it. I get that sugar feels like a powerful force. I've been through that. And, at the same time, sometimes embracing that truth is the answer. Finding the right amount of sugar for YOU, the amount that allows you to ENJOY the treats, but does not make you feel bad - emotionally or physically, is a beautiful thing. Book a time to chat with me, I'd love to tell you more about it. alegra.acuityscheduling.com Guess what! I'm going to tell you one of the most POWERFUL tools I use with my clients to overcome their sugar addiction.
One of the first things I do with my clients, whether they want to lose weight, improve the quality of the food they eat, or control symptoms of a health issue... is talk about why they LIKE eating sugar. That is because there is a reason. Likely more than one. Addiction of any kind, from sugar to anything else actually SOLVES problems!!! So, what problems is it solving? Does it give you energy in the afternoon? A distraction from something you don't want to do? A stress relief at the end of the day like "Whew! Finally it's over!"? Because you truly can't resolve the issue until you know what issue the sugar is solving. Comment below and let me know what sugar does for you! When we lack consistency, we feel out of control. When we feel out of control, we take desperate measure to control things. Okay, so why am I saying this? What is my point here? Because whether you are feeling fear surrounding the crazy political anger right now, or whether you are feeling doubt about your ability to lose the weight or stop turning to sugar at times of stress, if you don't have a PLAN in place to create a life that feels safe and secure and consistent, you will feel out of control and you will take desperate measures to stop that feeling. Alright, Alegra, fine. But what is the answer? Well, luckily, the answer is simple! (Which does not mean it's easy.) The answer lies in creating a PLAN to take ACTION that creates the environment you need to feel consistent, safe, and secure. If it is the political climate you fear, find a way to voice your opinion that feels meaningful. Whether that is calling your representative, writing postcards to the white house, creating a discussion/support group with friends, signing petitions, or otherwise finding a way to champion what you believe in, you will break the spell of fear and anxiety through ACTION. If it is your relationship with sugar, if you binge on sugar in times of stress, anxiety, fear, or loneliness, you also need to create a PLAN in order to take ACTION to get to a better place. Finding a support person, like one on one coaching with me - or someone else you know of, creating a support relationship with your spouse, or getting your best friend on board with you, will create a consistent environment to change the patterns that are sabotaging you. If you know you need support to create a plan and begin taking action to end the sugar binging, let's talk. alegra.acuityscheduling.com I believe every woman can easily live at her natural weight without effort or difficulty.
Sometimes, though there is a period of mourning who we are NOT, mourning that we are NOT what the media says is the perfect woman. Even skinny women have to mourn this – because no one is the media’s ideal image. However, we CAN live at our own natural, healthy weight, with ease and lightness of being, while eating what we want, when want, and feeling great while doing it. Part of that formula is of course making sure we eat quality healthy food and reserve treats for true enJOYment. Curious? Book a chat alegra.acuityscheduling.com |
May 2024